LOW TEMPERATURE (750 °C – 1020 °C)
Main purpose of this study is to know the current raw materials avaliable in our country to be used for ceramic industry and to improve artistic glazing works using such raw materials. There is almost no collective study on chromate glazes found in both national and international literature. Therefore, it is intended that the results of the study made on this subject will constitute a reference for the ceramists and inorganic chemists who would like to work on this subject in the future.
Chromate glazes are member of the group of artistic salt glazes. Chromate is called as chromium salt. In this study, chromium salt is put under reaction with various carbonates and colorant other salts and their under-glaze and in-glaze effects at high temperatures have been scientifically observed and documented. Chromium salts are rather variable and unstable salts. Using chromic acid, earth alkali elements have been transformed into chromate to the extent it is practicable. Such chromates have been scientifically observed by making additions of different percentages within ready frit, easily soluble at low temperatures, and transparent glaze structure. In summary, with this study we obtained positive results at 750ºC – 1020ºC, while experiments for chromium slats which do not yield any results , further to various chromate glaze structure. Additionally, the study handles, to great extent, general specifications of raw materials used for ceramic technology, where and how these are used and the areas of use for artistic ceramic glazes.
At the conclusion of the study, the effects of chromium salts at high temperatures and in diluted vitreous bodies are scientifically studied and documented together with the risks and solutions they bring along.